Find a Home Inspector | Home Inspection InformationInspections Unlimited Inc. Fred Klein Services Offered:
Fred and Neil Klein are both ASHI Certified Members, 8465 & 202360. Fred has over 25 years experience in home inspections and 25 years in construction. Neil has over 16 years in home inspections, We provide an in depth inspection of all accessible areas of the property including the roof, which when safe we will climb and walk, exterior, all accessible interior areas, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and any other areas as per the ASHI Standards of Practice. We provide a detailed type written narrative report with color pictures and estimated cost for repairs or replacement. Our report for all of our inspections consist of all the necessary details so you can make an informed decision is emailed the next business day. American Society of Home Inspectors: 8465 Follow Inspections Unlimited Inc. () on Twitter© 2008